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Research and Publications

Papers in peer-reviewed journals
Published Papers up-to-date, check these links


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In process

Córdova, S.C., Kravchenko A. N., Miesel, J., Robertson, G. P., "Whole-profile soil carbon and nitrogen change after 25 years along an agricultural management gradient". (in-review)

Córdova, S.C., Moore, K. J., Robertson, G. P., "Switchgrass tiller demography as influenced by ecotype and its relationship to carbon and nitrogen dynamics". (in-review)

Córdova, S.C., Nuccio, E., Roley, S., Hamilton, S., Robertson, G. P., "Associative N2 fixation variability in upland and lowland ecotypes." TBD

Córdova, S.C., Gelfand, I., Kravchenko, A. N., Hamilton, S., Robertson, G. P., "Root-to-Shoot ratios and contributions to soil carbon by perennial bioenergy crops in the Upper Midwest US". TBD

Creative Writing and Essays

Córdova, S.C., 2019. “Black, Brown, Red, and Orange Poem”, W.K. Kellogg Biological Station Summer Art Anthology, I. Michigan State University, 2019, pp. 8-9. 


Córdova, S.C., 2019 “An Ode to the Soil’s Soul”. W.K. Kellogg Biological Station Summer Art Anthology, I. Michigan State University, 2019, pp. 28-30.


Córdova, S.C., 2018 “Cultural Ecosystem Services of Soil Essay”, Soils Society of America Website.

Professional Presentations

Córdova, S.C., Practicas y Evaluación de la Salud del Suelo de Campos Agrícolas. Primer Simposio Salud del Suelo. Universidad Técnica del Norte. Ibarra-Ecuador. Online, Jun. 10, 2024


Córdova, S.C., Practicas y Evaluación de la Salud del Suelo de Campos Agrícolas. Primer Simposio Salud del Suelo. Universidad Central del Ecuador.Quito-Ecuador. Online, Apr. 25-26, 2024


Córdova, S.C., Soil organic carbon accrual in cropland and grassland. Western Michigan University, Oct. 27, 2023.

Córdova, S.C., Soil health management. WICS program for Ukrainian Agriculture Industry Visiting Producers and Scholars. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Dec. 21, 2022.
Córdova, S.C., “Long-term dynamics of carbon and nitrogen above and belowground in different agroecosystems”. Fall Seminar Series, Department of Crop Science. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dec. 7, 2022.
Córdova, S.C., Moore, K., Robertson, G. P. "Switchgrass ecotype morphological and chemical differences." ASA-SSA-CSSA International Annual Meetings, Baltimore. Nov. 6-9, 2022.

Córdova, S.C., "Associative N2 fixation variability in upland and lowland switchgrass ecotypes" Columbian Basin Agricultural Research Center (CBARC), Oregon State University. Jan 26, 2022.

Córdova, S.C., Gelfand, I., Robertson, G. P. "Digging one meter deep: Long-term contributions to soil carbon by perennial energy crops" Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, Sustainability Meeting, Early Career Session, Feb 15, 2022.


Córdova, S.C., Gelfand, I., Robertson, G. P. "Long-Term Contributions of Belowground Biomass to Soil Carbon by Perennial Energy Crops Grown in the Upper Midwest US." ASA-SSA-CSSA International Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT. Nov. 7-10, 2021

Córdova, S.C., Kravchenko A. N., Robertson, G. P., "Three decades of soil carbon and nitrogen accrual by different agricultural management practices." LTAR All Scientist Meeting. Virtual. Aug 30 – Sep 1, 2021.


Córdova, S.C., Moore, K. J., Robertson, G. P., "Switchgrass tiller demography as influenced by ecotype and its relationship to carbon and nitrogen dynamics". ASA, and CSSA International Annual Meetings, Virtual. Nov. 4-7, 2018.

Córdova, S.C., Kravchenko A. N., Miesel, J., Robertson, G. P., "Almost three decades of monitoring soil carbon and nitrogen accrual in different agricultural management". Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, Carbon Accrual Session, Oct. 7, 2020.

Córdova, S.C., Nuccio, E., Roley, S., Hamilton, S., Robertson, G. P., "Associative N2 fixation variability in upland and lowland ecotypes." Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, Nitrogen Fixation in Bioenergy Crops Session, Oct. 7, 2020.

Córdova, S.C., Kravchenko, A. N., Robertson, G. P., "Whole profile soil carbon change after 25 years along an agricultural management gradient". W. K. Kellogg Biological Station - LTER Midterm Review, Virtual Meeting, Sep. 9, 2020.

Córdova, S.C., Moore, K. J., Robertson, G. P., "Switchgrass tiller demography as influenced by ecotype and its relationship to carbon and nitrogen dynamics". Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, All Scientist Annual Meeting (online), Switchgrass Sustainability Session, Apr. 24, 2020.


Córdova, S.C., Gelfand, I., Vanderwulp, S., Kahmark, K., Robertson. G.P., "Root-to-Shoot ratios and contributions to soil carbon by perennial bioenergy crops in the Upper Midwest US". ASA-SSA-CSSA International Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX. Nov. 10-13, 2019.

Córdova, S.C., Castellano, M.J., Archontoulis, S.V., In-season soybean biological nitrogen fixation in Iowa, USA. ASA, and CSSA International Annual Meetings, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 4-7, 2018.


Córdova, S.C., “Plant litter quality affects the accumulation rate, composition, and stability of mineral associated soil organic matter”. College of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, De Las Americas University (UDLA), Quito, Pichincha-Ecuador. Jan. 4, 2018


Córdova, S.C., “Soybean Nitrogen Dynamics”. Department of Agronomy IASA, Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador University, Sangolqui, Pichincha – Ecuador. Dec. 20, 2017.


Córdova, S.C., “Soybean Nitrogen Dynamics” Department of Agronomy, Central del Ecuador University (UCE), Quito, Pichincha-Ecuador. Dec. 21, 2017

Córdova, S.C., Castellano, M.J., Dietzel, R., Olk, D., Six, J., Archontoulis, S. V., “Soybean Nitrogen Fixation: The Nitrogen Budget”. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL. Oct. 22-25, 2017.

Córdova, S.C., Castellano, M.J., Archontoulis, S. V., Dietzel, R., “Are Soybeans in Central Iowa Nitrogen Consumers or Fixers?”. Fourth Graduate and Professional Students Research Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Apr. 12, 2017.

Córdova, S.C., Martinez-Feria, R., “Forecast and assessment of Cropping systems”. Global Programs, CALS, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Audience: Visiting scholars from Asia and South America part of the International Aid Association. Dec. 8, 2016.

Córdova, S.C., Castellano, M.J., Dietzel, R., Archontoulis, S. V., “Do Soybeans in Iowa Use More Nitrogen Than They Fix?”. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Phoenix, AZ. Nov. 6-9, 2016.

Córdova, S.C., Olk, D., Dietzel, R. Castellano, M.J., “Can we build soil organic matter through greater soil organic carbon stabilization?”. Third Graduate and Professional Students Research Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Apr. 12, 2016.

Córdova, S.C., Archontoulis, S., “Yield Forecast tool for Corn and Soybean Production in Iowa”. Iowa Soybean Research Center, Ames, IA. Audience: Ecuadorian Soybean Producers and members of the Trade Team. Apr. 22, 2016.


Extension Events



Córdova, S.C., Turk, J., Soil health assessment toolkit for croplands and soil color chart. Soil Health and Cover Crops Field Day, Ithaca, Aug. 28.

Córdova, S.C., UNL Soil health program and future endeavors, Kiwanis – Nebraska Chapter, Lincoln, NE. Mar 1.

Córdova, S.C., Basche, A., Soil health for water quality and quantity, Waverly Drinking Water Protection,
Lower Platte South NRD, Waverly, NE. Feb 20.

Córdova, S.C., Urban Healthy Soils, Gardening Students’ Club at Northeast High School, Lincoln, NE. Jan 22.

Koehler-Cole, K., Thapa, V., Das, S., Seymour, R., Córdova, S.C., Soil health practices and tests: What you
need to know. Crop Protection Clinics at Gering, North Platte, Norfolk, Mead, Beatrice, Hastings, York,
Kearney, NE. Jan 3,4,9,10,11, 17, 19, 23.


Córdova, S.C., Soil Health In-Situ Assessment of Croplands, Cover Crop Field Day, UNL Rogers Memorial Farm, Lincoln, NE. Sep 19.

Córdova, S.C., Soil Health In-Situ Assessment of Croplands, Soil Health Field Day, UNL ENREEC, Ithaca, NE. Aug 22.

Córdova, S.C., Soil Health Program, UNL IANR grants team meeting, Lincoln, NE. Jul 25.

Córdova, S.C., NE Soil Health Leadership, UNL, Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture, Lincoln, NE, Jun 23.


Córdova, S.C., Biological N Fixation: One Building Block of Soil Health, UNL Soil Health Schools at Bridgeport, North Platte, Haskell, NE. Mar. 2, Jun. 27, Aug. 1, respectively.


Córdova, S.C., Soil Health Program, UNL Lancaster county Extension Educator team meeting, Lincoln, NE. Apr 19.


Córdova, S.C., Soil Ecosystem Services and Soil Health, UNL Soil and Water Resources Undergraduate Student Club meeting, Lincoln, NE. Apr 18.


Córdova, S.C., Healthy Soils: Foundation of Regenerative Agriculture, Wellhead Protection Network meeting – Project GROW, York, NE. Mar 30.


Córdova, S.C., Soil Health the Foundational of Regenerative Agriculture, City Sprouts, Omaha, NE. Mar 18.


Córdova, S.C., Healthy Soils: Foundation of Regenerative Agriculture, UNL Soil School & Nebraska Agri-business Association, Lincoln, NE, Feb 1.


Córdova, S.C., Long-term Carbon Accrual Belowground – Building Healthy and Resilient Agroecosystems, UNL Crop Protection Clinics, Kearney and Hastings, Jan 18-19.


Córdova, S.C., NE Soil Health Program – Building Strategy, UNL Animal Science – Beef Group, Lincoln, NE, Jan 6.

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